AI1. Uninformed SearchBreadth firstUniform CostTraitsExpodential TimeExpodential SpaceOptimalCompleteFor finite branching factorDepth firstDepth limittedTraitsExpodential TimeLinear SpaceNonOptimalNonCompleteEspecially without a loop checkIterative DeepeningTraitsExpodential TimeLinear SpaceOptimalCompleteBidirectionalOnly Doable if Actions can be traversed  ...And can identify the goal node in advanc ...Take turns expanding nodes from each endSee if hit node the other has2. Informed  SearchGreedyA*IDA*Epsilon-IDA*Called E-AddmissabeReturns solutions that are at most E wor ...SMA*3. Game PlayingMinimaxAlphaBetaEvaluation FunctionDepth LimitQuiensenceTerminate search when utility of state i ...Eg in chess avoid terminating immediatel ...Horizon ProblemState is bad, and there is no way outBut it is possibel to delay to the conci ...4. Learning AgentsComponentsPerformanceDecideds what to do to achieve best Outc ...Learningimproves Perromance Element based on fee ...Two Goals, for improving Perfomance Elem ...Make it Find a better solutionMake it find a solution FasterCricialProvide feedback, based on some outside  ...Problem GeneratorProvide oppertunities to LearnSugest Alternative - actions that have u ...Learning FunctionsHypothisis = Approximation of function t ...Larger Hypothisis space, more likely to  ...Slower  ConverganceMore Examples NeededDecision Tree InductionAlgorithm (Recursive)Does the whole group have same Output va ...Select the most descriminating attrinuteBreak examples into groups depending on  ...Place branch in output treeRecursivly proccess groups (removing the ...Determining the most descriminating nodeCauses most number of exapleswith same o ...Cause groups of even sizeI don't think thisis goodMinimises total EntropyExplict vs Implict RepressentationExplictEg. a Lookup TableImplictEg Linear weighter Sum Of FeaturesAdvantagesGeneralisationCan return estimate of value for states  ...SpaceDon't need to remember large data struct ...5. Sequential Decision ProblemsUtility depends on Sequence of DescionsUtilities only known in terminal statesUncertain DomainsStochatic actionsNondetermanisticTransition ModelProbability of being in a particular sta ...M(i,a,j)=P(j|i,a)Markov Property: Transition Probability  ...Markov Decision Problem:
Calculating Opt ...AccessibleYoucan tell what state you are inStochastic enviromentwith knon Transition ModelStep Costnormally <0Smaller (absolute) value => More converv ...Larger (absolute) value => more direct ( ...Reward(i) = StepCost(i) + Utility(If i t ...Solving For Utility ValuesBellmans EquationU(i) = R(i)  + Max(Over all actions a) { ...NonLinear (contains Maxes)Value IterastionU'(i) = R(i)  + Max(Over all actions a)  ...Repear until U' close enough to UPolicy IterationTo Get Utilities From Psolve U(i) = R(i)  +  { Sum(over all sta ...Or use a fixed number of steps of value  ...Called "Modified Policy Iteration"For large number of states, faster than  ...Check for better action
for each stateIf there is some action a, a!=p(i), that ...If none found then policy has converged  ...Else recalcuate utilites for new policyPolicy Iteration often faster than value ...Enviroment contains no terminal states
( ...Additive Utilites become infinite, as pa ...Value Iteration never terminatedDiscounting is an alterntive to Aditive  ...the Utility of a sequence of states: U(s ...This has a solutiuon even for infinitely ...This factor y, can be added to our Bellm ...6. Reinforcement LearningIssues:If reward only at end of game, hard to k ...AdvantagesCan learn transition modelActive Or PassiveActive: Must choose Own movesOptimistic PriorTo Start Explorative and become exploiti ...initallly assume everthing is goodU+(i)<-R(i)+Max(over all a){ f (sum(over ...f(u,n) is the explortation function
wher ...Example: f(u,n)={ 1000, if n<10 u , othe ...This means will try each state 10 timesCan turn Passive method into Active,By learning ModelUsing perfomance element to select move  ...Passive: Moves provided to Agent (learni ...Utility Learninglearns Utility FunctionLMSLeast Mean SquareAlgorithm:
At the end of some chain of s ...Reward-to-Go+=Reward(ei)U(ei)=RunningAverage(U(ei), Reward-to-go ...Ignores the Model. State utilities are i ...ADPAdaptive Dynamic ProgrammingSolve
U(i)=R(i) + Sum(over all j){M(i,j) ...Intractable in large spacesUseful theortical benchmarkSimilar to value determination in SDPTDTemporal Difference LearningAlgorithmFor Terminal StatesUtility= running average of reward at th ...For non-terminal states: If we encounteded state j, immediatlye  ...Then U(i)<-U(i) + y(R(i)+U(j)-U(i))Improved version: Replace y, with a func ...y is a constant: 0<=y<=1Makes use of relationships between state ...Rather than explictly (thogh the transit ...Active ADPIf get to chose action(Active)As States encountered:Update Action ModelUse value iteration to find utilites (ma ...Get action from Perfomance element Chosing best move using standard:
Argmax ...Making sure to Keep track of previos sta ...Model LearningIn passive learning (thus no actions kno ...M(i,j)=% of time in state i, and transti ...Active learningM(i,a,j)=% time taking action a, in stat ...Model  needed to go from Utilty Table to Policy tableFor ADPNot For TD, as reward for getting to une ...This applies wether in active or in pass ...Q-LearningLearns action-value function:
The utlity ...Learns: Q(i,a)Could convert to Utilities by:
U(i)=Max( ...No model requiredDoes not consider what state action lead ...Must know actions taken at states (good  ...TDFor
j= current state
i = previos state
a ...Performance element:argmax(over all actions b) f(Q(b,j), N(b ...compaired to Utility learningSlower to converge. Greater policy LossConstancy between values not enfored by  ...7. PlanningAlgorithm:Implement start condions as postcondions ...Are there any open preconditions? If not ...Choose a Open precondion C, for some ste ...Add, or move an action A, that has C as  ...Detect and Deal with ClobberingClobberingDefn: A new action C clobbers, exsiting  ...ResolutionDemotion: Order C before APromotion: Order C after BRuntime FailureContigency PlanningPlan to Obtain Information, with Observa ...Explensive because must make lots of con ...Hard to know all all possible failures i ...If a Open Condition can be established b ...MonitoringTwo types of MonitoringExecution MonitoringCheck if any Future Precondions that sho ...use Causal Links from partial plannerActive MonitoringCheck if Precondions of Next action are  ...Check if action actively failsReplanningReplan from ScratchPlan to get back on track Much more effienct for long plansSituated PlanningCombines Execution Montoring and Plannin ...Many ActivitiesExecute Plan StepMonitor worldFix problems in planClobberingOpen ConditionsRefine plan based on new informationWorld State changedPossibly due to actions of other agentsAction Failure8. Logical AgentsSentencesSatisfiableA sentence is statisfiable if there exis ...A model m, satisfies a sentence s, if  s ...A model m, satisfies a KB of sentences, if m satifies all sentences in the KBValidA sentence is valid if it is true in all ...ExamplesTrueAv~AA=>AA^(A=>B)=>BNot related to syntaxtically validUnsatisfiableA sentence is unstatifyiable if it is tr ...ExamplesFalseA^~AA=>~AEntailmentA Knowledge base KB, entails a sentenes  ...Things can satify S without satifying KB ...Locally EquivelentTwo sentences are logically equivelent i the set of models satisfying one, is  ...SoundessA system is sound, if it can only genera ...KB|-A => KB|=AIe All things infered can be entailedCompletenessA system is complete if it can generate  ...Ie KB|=A => KB|-Aie all things entailed can be inferredInference SystemsChainingHorn FormPremise=>ConclusionPremise= Conjustion of PropostionsConclusion = PropositionOr StatementStand alone proposionForward ChainingAlgorithmFind Implication rules that have all the ...But not their conclusions Add ConclusionRepeat until RTP is provenSlower than backwards chaining as proves ...Backwards chaining is more directedBackwards chainingAlgorithmCheck if RTP in KB If so return true, if ...Find all Implications that has RTP as Co ...If for any of the Implications, you can  ...If not, then RTP is falseNot Complete unless you avoid enqueing t ...Can be made faster by caching truths and ...ResolutionConjunctive normal formKnowlege base as a whole is a Conjuction ...a conjuction of clausesan And of OrsClauses are Disjuctions (Ors) of symbols ...Symbols (terms) are positive or negitive ...Resolution inferenceOr Two clauses containing complimentairy ...Satisfiability ProblemUseful to find out if htere are models ( ...Especaillay if you Add to the KB somethi ...Or its complement (for proof by contradi ...NP-CompleteDPLL
(Variation of Davis-Putman)Depth First Search to find a model that  ...Terminate with False, if any clause in s if any clause has all its terms falseTerminate with True if all Clauses trueRemove Pure SymbolsSymbols that don't have there complement ...They can't affect the resultAdd them with there required value to th ...Recurivly try to find model for remainig ...Handle Unit ClausesClause is one symbol longSince sentence is only true if All CLaus ...This clause defines the value for its sy ...Add that value to the modelRecurivly try to find model for remainig ...Otherwise, Chose a symbolCondiser (with DPLL) the case for that s ...Return the or of theseWalker SatPerforms a semirandom walk to locally se ...ParametersMax flips: the maximum number of iterati ...P: Nomaly about 0.5Initally Model is random assiment of tru ...Alogorithm: RepeatedlyIf Model satifies clause then Done, elserandomly pick a false clause CWith Probability P eitherFlip a random symbol from C's bit in the ...Flip a symbol in C, such that you maximi ...9. First Order LogicSituation CalculusCan formulate Planning as inference on K ...Situation Function: Result(a,s)a is a actions is the situation function, 

 prior to ...Effect AxiomPre(s) -> Post(Result(action,s))Post (and Pre) are both predicates on th ...ProblemsRamification ProbemCan't know all post conditons.Probabialistic Postcondions (only happen ...Qualification ProblemCan't know all PrecondionsFrame ProblemHow to deal with thing that don't ChangeInference: default things to not changin ...York Shooting Problem (Not Examinable)RepressentationSuccessor State AxiomP is true now iffIt was made true in the past state Or was true in the state before the past s ...P(result(a,result(b,s))) <=> P(result(b, ...GeneralUnificationFor sets of substitutions SUnify(a,b)=S if aS=bSStandardising ApartRenames variables that have same name, b ...New variable names, irrespective of scop ...SkolemizeMethod for removing existentially variab ...Replace variable with Function of enclos ...Called Sklem functionRequired for resolutionInference SystemsChainingGeneralised Modul Polens (GMP)For KBsof Definite clausesexactly 1 positive literal, per clauseAll variables universally qualifiedp1',p2,',',(p1,p2,>q) |- qSwhere pi'=piS for all iSo pi' and pi are same predicate with di ...Eg pi'=King(John) and pi= King(x), and S ...S is a set of substitutionsForward ChainingMay not terminate if RTP not entailedAlgorithmFor each sentence in KBStandardise ApartFor each substitution S that existsSuch that some implication of p1^> ...add qS to KBT=Unify(qS, RTP)If Unification succeeds return TFail if run out of sentenced to addSoundCompleteWithout Functions is O(pn^k) timeMatching Conjunctive premises is NP-hardBackwards ChainingParametersKB - knowledge baseS - current substitutionsIntially empty setgoals - list of conjucts with S already  ...Initally RTP/{}Alogorithmgoals empty return {S}; elseq'=head(Goals)For each sentence in KBwhere p1^...^pn=> q
and S'= Unify(q,q')  ...NewGoals =([p1,...,pn]::Tail(goals))S'Yield Return BackwardsChain(KB=KB, S=Uni ...Returns a Seq of all the substiton setsSame problems (and solutions to those) a ...ResolutionKnowledge base as Skolumised CNF sentenc ...Inference ruleInputX1v..vXn, Y1v...vYmWhere Unify(Xi, ~Yj)=S succeedsOutputfor newXs= X1v...vXn with Xi removedfor newYs=Y1v...vYm with Yj removednewXs v newYsProve RTP byproving that KB^~RTF failsFailure means returns empty setProof by contradiction10. Knowledge EngineeringFundermental Dicontoimy in AI LogicThe More Expressive a Logic system, the  ...Solve this with Domain orientated LogicsRemove unneeded featuresAdd needed onesDomain LogicsEpistemic LogicKnowledge Domainuseful for reasoning about knowledge bas ...Propostional Logic+Extra OperatorKnows(agent, fact)EgKnows(Oppoant, bluffing) => Raise BetTemporal LogicTime Domainuseful for reasoning about programPropostional Logic+Extra OperatorsInTheNextStateInSomeFutureStateEgSocraties Was BornInSomeFutureState(Socraties will be dead ...OnthologiesLogic for classifying Objects as being o ...Restricted form of FOLLimmited use of varaibles and quantifier ...Limmited use of functionsDescription LogicsT-BoxesRelates ConceptsSet operatorsSubsetIntersectionetcA-BoxesAssigns object to a particular concepteqivelemt to Element OfEgMen are a subset of MortalsSocraties is element of MenIs Socraties an Element of Mortals?
5. Sequential Decision Problems
6. Reinforcement Learning
7. Planning
8. Logical Agents
Inference Systems
Arrow Link
9. First Order Logic
Inference Systems